Welcome to the Utah Department of Transportation’s (UDOT) transportation information resource from the mouth of Parleys Canyon (I-80) to Park City. Follow @UDOTWasatchBack on X or Instagram/Facebook for road status updates.


Learn more about environmental studies and construction projects to improve transportation and safety in the Wasatch Back.

Kimball Junction Environmental Impact Statement

Project Overview

UDOT is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to improve regional and local mobility at the I-80 and SR-224 interchange at Kimball Junction and on SR-224 from Kimball Junction through the Olympic Parkway intersection in Summit County.

The alternatives being carried forward in the EIS include:

  • Taking no action  
  • Alternative A: split-diamond interchange and intersection improvements
  • Alternative C: intersection improvements with pedestrian enhancements

Project Contact Information:

  • 435-255-3186
  • Kimball Junction EIS c/o HDR
    2825 E Cottonwood Parkway #200
    Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121

Summit County Improved Project

Project Overview

UDOT is working on a four-fold project that encompasses areas around I-80 at Kimball Junction, the westbound US-40 to westbound I-80 flyover, eastbound and westbound US-40 (between SR-248 and I-80), and the SR-248 interchange. Construction crews will improve drainage and ride quality, reduce congestion, and preserve the underlying infrastructure of asphalt and concrete roadways.

Work began in June 2024 and is currently in a wintertime suspension. Elements of the project at the US-40/SR-248 interchange require warmer temperatures. Work to place a surface treatment at the interchange will take place in the spring of 2025.

Project Contact Information:

Heber Valley Corridor Environmental Impact Statement

Project Overview

UDOT is conducting an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to improve regional and local mobility on US-40 from SR-32 to US-189 and provide opportunities for non-motorized transportation while allowing Heber City to meet its vision for the historic town center.

Project Contact Information:

  • 801-210-0498
  • Heber Valley Corridor EIS c/o HDR
    2825 E Cottonwood Parkway #200
    Cottonwood Heights, UT 84121